The holiday season can be especially stressful when we are grieving the death of someone dear to us. Following are some ideas that might bring you more comfort at this time:

  • Resist the urge to isolate. Accept some invitations and choose to be with those who nourish and care for you.
  • Take time for yourself alone to acknowledge your loss and grief, to feel your feelings.
  • Simplify, simplify, simplify-do what feels right for you and what you can manage emotionally, spiritually and physically and decide to let other things go this year.
  • Verbalize your feelings of sadness with close family and friends. This will enable them to share their vulnerabilities and bring closeness for all.
  • Ask for what you need from others-they cannot read your mind. If you want help with shopping or you do not want to exchange gifts or you need more alone time, tell friends and family.
  • You may want to find a special way to honor your loved one during the holidays. Develop a special family ritual, give a gift to a charity, have a remembering tree decorated with notes from family members about your special loved one.
  • Above all-take care of you. Try to eat well, get enough rest, and drink water.

by Elaine Tiller, M.Div.

© Copyright 2008 E.Tiller